Zucchini + Potato Veggie Fritters (Gluten, Dairy, and Nut-Free)
It’s funny when I look back at some older recipes on this blog because I read my words about what was going on at the time that blog post was published, and then I am immediately flooded with memories from that era. Well, the time I am currently living in is the height of quarantining and social distancing for the sake of Covid-19. In the past 30-ish days or so, we have cooked every single meal (except 1) at home— which is truly a world record of sorts for any New Yorker. Right now is a time in which I’ve been playing Macgyver with the contents of our fridge + pantry most days, strategically using produce by the order in which they expire so that we don’t waste anything.
Purple Cabbage & Sugar Snap Pea Salad w/Sesame-Shallot Vinaigrette
While planning my trip out to L.A., my friend told me that I could not miss this amazing chain called Lemonade. Have you all heard of it?
Whenever a friend recommends a restaurant or place to grab food, it usually comes with a...
Shaved Asparagus Ribbon Salad w/Lemon-Parmesan Vinaigrette
I've already waxed on about my trainer/nutrition coach love for asparagus in my recipe for balsamic roasted asparagus, so I'll spare you that chit chat here. Ahem, 5g protein per serving.
It is ultimate peak asparagus season 'round here, aka on SALE all the time at grocery stores, so I have been buying them just about every grocery trip. Eating seasonally really does a body and a wallet good, lemme tell you...
Balsamic Roasted Asparagus w/Pine Nuts
This is my ultimate lazy-girl veggie side dish. All of veggie roasting essentially is, but this one also cooks faster and is a crowd pleaser whenever...
Roasted Cauliflower
This is my hands down favorite, easiest, most delicious, healthiest, yummiest veggie prep ever. Is that enough description to convince you yet? Doesn't take much to...
Honey Roasted Purple Carrots
One of the early fall veggies is the carrot. I learned a lot more about this classic vegetable after speaking to the woman who I bought these awesome purple carrots from at...
Lentil Black Bean Rainbow Bell Pepper Salad with Tomatillo Sauce
We've already established the fact that I lack self-control at the farmer's market. When I got home, I really had no idea how I was going to use...