Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

Training Tuesday Roundup

Hello friends!

Real life training with my clients and my rehab work is taking precedent at the moment, so for this training Tuesday (and a later post than usual, sorry!), I present to you a fun little round-up of previous fitness related posts of mine you may have missed/may find useful:

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Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

Build-a-Booty PART 2.

Last week, I kicked off this "Build-a-Booty" series, thinking it was going to be two posts total. Now, I'm thinking it'll be more like three or maybe four posts, since I got...

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Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

Build-a-Booty PART 1

Butt. Derrèire. Booty. Tail. Buttocks. Bootock. Badonk. Glutes. A**. Seat. Hiney. Rear. Behind. Backside. Hind. Caboose. Tailfeather. Arse. Britches. Tush. Fanny. Bum. Trunk. Money-maker. There is a grand reason why there is an endless amount of words for your butt. There are...

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Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

Strength in Caring (and actually giving a shit)

Out of the problematic social phenomenons in our world, I think one of our worst is the lack of caring- or let me rephrase: the caring is there but for so long now we have been encouraged to play it cool and act blasé or indifferent. So when we're faced with actually showing feelings, we are paralyzed in fear of putting ourselves out there and actually revealing that we give a shit.

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Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

Nail the Plank

I wasn't even sure I was going to do a post on the plank because the majority of people seem to be doing it nowadays and understanding that the crunch belongs in the 90's. But then I realized I still...

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Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

Stretching: 5 Big Things to Know

Stretching. You hear it's good for you, that you should do it to take care of your joints, so you don't get stiff, etc etc etc. This seemingly simplistic thing is actually far more complicated than people realize, and it...

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Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

Body Judgement

Before I launched the site, I created a list of topics I wanted to write about and in what general order I thought of doing them. But sometimes when you're really...

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Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee


Hello you lovely readers!

With all of the activity of the past few days, I felt compelled to write a wrap-up post about the first crazy week of launching this website and life's meaningful timing...

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Well-Being Minna Lee Well-Being Minna Lee

4 Reasons Why You Should Really Be Warming Up

A solid chunk of the gym population does not warm up sufficiently or even at all before they get into their training. I get it, time is money, and if you only have an hour to squeeze your workout in, it's better to allot that time to the real "work" and meat and potatoes of the workout, right?

Actually, you'd be better off cutting into your workout time. Why? There are several reasons you should always warmup before you workout...

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