Favorite Friday Finds 32.0
Okay, so the autumnal equinox is not until the 22nd, but I am already in full-fledged fall mode!
I truly am a fall baby, and not just because I was born during it- there is something that makes me feel more alive and in my element during fall that doesn't happen the same way in any other season.
This weekend, I am full-on embracing the fall in the Northeast with my first trip ever to Maine! Roadtripping with one of my best girls, and we are going to eat up- I mean, tear up- the town! Expect lots of New-England-y 'grams and I can't wait. Fingers crossed this gloomy weather forecast manages to turn around!
And one more thing before we get to my favorite Friday finds of the week-
I started this newsletter two weeks ago, and I've been getting awesome feedback! It's a little inspiration for your inbox on Mondays to start the week strong, and I'd love it if you guys all joined me there.
I also love continuing to hear your feedback and suggestions on what you'd like to see there!
Now, let's get to my Favorite Friday Finds this week!
Here are 8 things that I was inspired by, learned from, and laughed/smiled at:
1. 15 Things to Do When You're in a Funk
Okay, so the title of the article is actually about being in a career funk, but all these good points actually apply to just being in a funk in general. It's always good to get a reminder on perspective. Even if you already know these things, it's helpful to re-read!
2. Want to Be Happy? Be Grateful
It wouldn't be a favorite friday finds edition without a good ol' TED talk!
You guys know how important I think it is to be grateful- after all, I've set up a gratitude challenge, and given a quick cheat sheet for when you're really feeling the grouchiness. I loved this talk and came away inspired and, what else, thankful.
What's more important than having the gratitude though, is to put it into PRACTICE. That's when happiness truly comes.
via Design Darling
3. Nantucket Travel Guide
I am having all the autumn feels, if you guys couldn't tell, and I've been missing New England a lot. I've never been to Nantucket before, but it's one of the top places on my list of regional travel destinations! I loved Mackenzie's thorough Nantucket travel guide, as she is the epitome of a New England Nantucket girl at heart, even if she lives in Dallas now.
4. What an Hour of Emotion Makes Visible
This is one of THE most fascinating articles and incredible stories I've read in awhile, thanks to Emily at Cupcakes and Cashmere's link roundup last week.
Don't want to spoil it, so I'll just give a peek: can you imagine what it'd be like if you were unaware you were living your life only seeing in black and white, then suddenly you got to see the world in HD retina display of colors? That's what this woman did, but with emotions.
5. Top 5 Travel Cameras of 2016
I love my DSLR. But it makes for a chunky travel experience, particularly when in the outdoors, when I'm not fancy enough to have all the camera equipment of a professional nature photographer.
Camera companies have really been stepping up the game in portable but professional grade cameras-- loved this roundup Jinna did. I'm eying the Canon, as I'm a Canon girl.
6. 15 Truths About Love We Tend to Forget
Another good little reminder for the soul. 8, 9, 13, and 15 truly resonate with me.
7. How to Get into a Theme Park for Free
Not going to lie, one of the creepiest things I've seen, but I couldn't stop laughing!
8. Cat DEMANDS hugs
Okay, I'm not a cat person except for my sisters cat- I'm a dog person through and through.
But this is ridiculous and beyond cute.